Tarot or Oracle cards. You’ve probably seen those cool cards with all the mystical images, right? Tarot and Oracle cards are super popular for a reason. They’re tools for self-reflection and guidance. But what exactly is the difference?
Divination cards have been around for ages. Tarot, specifically, started in the 15th century as a playing card game! Over time, people realised they could be used to understand themselves better. Which is why you may be drawn to them which brings me to…
Why do people love them? I think it’s because we all want a little insight. Whether we’re trying to figure out a tricky situation with friends, like what college to go to, or just get some clarity on our feelings. These cards can provide a new perspective.
Now, the real difference. Tarot has a super specific structure: 78 cards, with Major and Minor Arcana. Each card has a traditional meaning that’s been built up over centuries. Oracle cards? They’re the free spirits of the card world! Each deck is different – different numbers of cards, different themes, and meanings entirely unique to that deck created. Oracle cards are more intuitive and can be more personal to use.
Let’s clear up some myths! Neither Tarot nor Oracle cards can predict the future. You create your future. They’re not magical talismans. They’re tools for reflection, guidance, and self-understanding. It can be used to unlock your potential.
If you’re drawn to the structure of Tarot or the freedom of Oracle, experiment and see what speaks to you! There’s no right or wrong way to use them. Just have fun and explore!
Tarot Decks
Tarot decks are structured kind of like a traditional deck of playing cards, but with a lot more depth. They have 78 cards, broken down into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.
The Major Arcana is like the big kahuna. These 22 cards represent major life lessons, archetypes, and spiritual themes. Think of cards like The Fool, The Lovers, or The Tower. They’re the big turning points and significant moments in our lives, and they’re seriously powerful.
Then we have the Minor Arcana. This is where things get even more structured. The Minor Arcana has 56 cards divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles.
- Cups: These are all about emotions, relationships, and love.
- Wands: Think action, creativity, passion, and energy.
- Swords: These deal with intellect, challenges, and difficult decisions.
- Pentacles: This suit represents the physical world, money, security, and grounding.

And within each suit, you have court cards! You got the Page, Knight, Queen, and King. These cards often represent different personalities or energies that are relevant to the reading. So, you can see how it all pieces together.
The symbolism in Tarot is deep. Really deep. And it can vary quite a bit depending on the deck you’re using. The Rider-Waite-Smith deck, with its super clear imagery, is probably the most popular and a great place to start. There’s also the Thoth deck, which is more esoteric and has a lot of astrological and Kabbalistic influences. And then there’s the Marseille deck, which is one of the oldest and most traditional. Each deck has its own vibe and interpretation of the symbols. I really like the Rider-Waite-smith because it’s so accessible. You can see where that is useful for a beginner.
So, how does a Tarot reading actually work? Well, there are tons of different spreads you can use. A spread is just how you lay out the cards. A simple one is the Past-Present-Future spread, where you draw three cards to represent those time periods. More complex spreads, like the Celtic Cross, can give you a really detailed look at a situation.
Now, when it comes to interpreting the cards, there are two main approaches: structured and intuitive. A structured approach means relying heavily on the traditional meanings of the cards. An intuitive approach involves trusting your gut feeling and letting the imagery speak to you. I personally like to blend both!

Also, don’t forget about reversed cards! When a card comes out upside down, it can change the meaning. Sometimes it means the opposite of the upright meaning, or it can mean the energy of the card is blocked or delayed. It really just adds another layer to the interpretation.
Each card has a specific, universal meaning, steeped in symbolism and history. There’s a whole language being spoken! You can totally learn to interpret this rich symbolism with practice. The Queen of Swords usually represents intelligence and independence, The Tower often symbolizes sudden change. Of course, how YOU interpret the card within the context of your reading is totally important, but there’s a baseline meaning to start from.
Tarot readings are often used for deeper insights into situations, relationships, or even the future. You can ask specific questions. It’s like asking a wise, slightly cryptic friend for advice. It can help you uncover hidden patterns in your life, understand complex situations, and make informed decisions. You can use it to explore your past, present, and future with a lot of detail.
Oracle Cards
Think of Oracle cards as Tarot’s free-spirited cousin. They’re much more flexible and less structured.
There’s no fixed number of cards in an Oracle deck. One deck might have 44 cards, another might have 52. Each deck is created around a specific theme—angels, animals, affirmations, you name it. And the artwork can be amazing! You can find Oracle decks focused on affirmations, angels, spirit guides, chakras, crystals… you name it!
Unlike Tarot, Oracle cards don’t follow a particular system or structure. Each card has its own unique message or concept, but they’re not necessarily connected to a larger framework. And Oracle decks are very personal to the creator so you can find some of the most creative decks for Oracle cards.
Reading with Oracle Cards
Reading with Oracle cards is super straightforward. Usually, you just ask a question, shuffle the deck, and draw a card. The message on the card offers guidance or insight related to your question. The key is to really connect with the imagery and trust your intuition. There’s no right or wrong way to listen to your intuition. They are more about quick guidance, affirmations, and emotional support. Need a little boost of confidence before a big test? Pull an Oracle card! Feeling overwhelmed? Ask for a message of comfort! Are you a bit anxious? Look to the oracle cards! They’re like a friendly pep talk in card form.
So, which one’s right for you? Tarot or Oracle Cards? Honestly, it’s all about personal preference! Tarot is great if you like structure, symbolism, and delving deep into complex situations. Oracle cards are perfect if you want a quick, inspiring message and a more intuitive experience.
I personally use both! Tarot helps me understand the bigger picture, while Oracle cards give me daily doses of inspiration. experiment and find what resonates with you!

And that brings me to the biggest difference…
With Tarot, you’re learning a pre-existing language. With Oracle cards, you’re relying much more on your intuition. The cards are designed to spark your own insights! One deck might be all about self-love, another might connect you with your spirit guides, another might focus on connecting with your inner child. The beauty of Oracle cards is that the creator gets to decide everything – the images, words, meanings!
The creator of the deck usually sets the tone and theme. It’s all about their intention! So, when you’re using an Oracle deck, you’re connecting with their energy and the message they wanted to convey.
So, how do you actually use Oracle cards? Well, it’s pretty simple! You can pull a single card for a quick daily message, or you can do multi-card spreads, just like Tarot, for a more in-depth reading.
But here’s the thing: Oracle cards are less about predicting the future and more about getting guidance and clarity. They’re awesome tools for self-reflection and positive affirmations.
I personally love using Oracle cards when I’m feeling a little lost or overwhelmed. I’ll pull a card and use it as a starting point for journaling. It’s like a little pep talk from the universe!

Tarot is structured, historical, great for deeper dives. Oracle is intuitive, flexible, and awesome for guidance and affirmations. Neither one is “better” than the other. It all comes down to personal preference and what resonates with you! Experiment! See what feels right! Maybe even try both! I use Oracle cards almost every day. Like, most mornings, I grab a cup of coffee, pull an Oracle card, and let that be my theme for the day. Sometimes the message is, “Trust your intuition,” or, “Take a deep breath.” It’s a simple way to start my day with intention.
So which is better, Tarot or Oracle cards?
They are both amazing to work with. But both have their benefits.
Use tarot when:
- seeking deep, structured insight (you’ll get a comprehensive look at a situation)
- for a card of the day
- have choices
Use Oracle when:
- card of the day
- you need a fast uplifting message
- a shot of positivity
- you want to let your intuition take the lead
Using both
Here are a couple of ways you can blend Tarot and Oracle:
- Blending Tarot and Oracle for layered readings: Use Tarot for the overall situation and Oracle cards for additional clarity or specific advice.
- Using Oracle to clarify Tarot readings: If a Tarot card has you scratching your head, pull an Oracle card to provide a little more insight.
- Experimenting with both to find personal balance: Try different combinations and see what resonates most with you!
Ultimately, the best deck is the one that feels right to you. Don’t be afraid to experiment, trust your intuition, and have fun! The best part about divination is that you can do whatever you want to do.
My favorite Tarot deck? The Favole. I’ve always loved the artwork, it’s so detailed and beautiful. When it came to oracle decks, it’s gotta be the Oracle of the Shapeshifters deck. The messages are so positive and uplifting, and the art makes me smile.

Tarot and Oracle cards aren’t about predicting the future, or anything like that for me. They’re about connecting with my intuition, getting different perspectives on situations, and guiding me to make the best decisions for myself. It’s like having a really wise, super artistic friend who’s always there to offer advice.
So which one for you?
So how do you decide which one is right for YOU? Honestly, there’s no right or wrong answer! It’s like choosing your favorite ice cream flavor. It’s all about what resonates with you. Do you like tradition and structure? Maybe Tarot is your thing. Do you want something more intuitive and flexible? Give Oracle cards a try!
The beauty of divination cards is that it is a really personal journey. You can use them for self-reflection, guidance, or just for fun! Don’t be afraid to experiment, trust your gut, and see what speaks to you. And don’t be put off if the first deck you use doesn’t quite feel right. Just like dating there could be a few that just don’t work for you. Do some research and figure out which one would be best for you.
What are you waiting for? Grab a deck and start exploring!
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