Tarot cards are packed with cool symbols and stories. They’ve been around for ages! And honestly? They’re just super pretty. i also love making stuff: DIY! I realized, why not combine my love of tarot with my love of crafting? Tarot DIY!!

You can make anything! Dreamcatchers for good dreams, phone cases, even decorate your backpack. There are no limits! It’s all about using the images and meanings of the cards to inspire something cool and personal. So, ditch the boring decorations and get crafting! Use tarot to create stuff that has meaning for you. It’s a super fun way to explore this ancient art and add a little magic to your everyday life.
Think of them as pictures that spark your imagination. The Fool’s journey is like a call for an adventure. The High Priestess teaches you to trust your intuition. It’s all about finding meaning and expressing yourself, and that’s where the crafting comes in.
Why Tarot DIY..
And that leads us to why Tarot-Inspired DIY? It’s all about taking that symbolism and turning it into something tangible. You see, when I first got into tarot, I wanted a special place to keep my cards. So, yeah, you guessed it… I decided to make a box for them!
Let me tell you, painting that box, choosing the colors that resonated with me, and even adding little symbols… it was way more than just a craft project. It felt like I was creating a sacred space, a home for my cards. I infused the box with my intention, with my energy. It was so cool!
And that’s the beauty of it! By making your own tarot-themed crafts, you’re:
- Personalizing your spiritual tools: Let’s face it, store-bought stuff is nice, but your stuff is way cooler, because you made it!
- Infusing intention: When you make something yourself, you’re pouring your own energy into it, making it even more special.
- Getting your chill on: Crafting is seriously therapeutic. It forces you to slow down, focus, and just be in the moment. It’s like a mini-meditation session!
DIY Tarot Deck!

Making your own Tarot deck. Forget buying one! We’re gonna look into how you can design a personal tarot deck that really speaks to you.
(check out this post about the major arcana, if you need some inspiration from the cards)
- Step one: Think about you. Tarot cards are all about symbolism, right? So, what images, colors, and themes really resonate with you? Are you obsessed with space? Use constellations! Love animals? Go wild with your favorite creatures!
- Don’t feel like you have to stick to traditional Tarot imagery. That’s the beauty of DIY! Break the rules! Make it YOURS.
- Materials! You can keep it super simple. Cardstock – you can find it at any craft store or even online. Paint – watercolors, acrylics, whatever you like! Markers are great too. If you’re feeling fancy, you can even design them digitally using programs like Canva or Photoshop and then print them out. I have used Procreate before, it is so much fun!
I’m not gonna lie, the design process can take some time. My first attempt was a disaster. Seriously, it looked like a toddler attacked the cards with glitter and glue. But that’s the fun of it, right? Experimenting, learning, and creating something truly unique.
Crafting your own Tarot deck is not just a fun project; it’s a cool way to explore symbolism, get creative and connect with your inner wisdom. It is really cool. Grab some supplies, get inspired, and start crafting your own magic!
DIY Bags That Actually Mean Something!
A bag? Seriously?” But trust me, this isn’t just about storage. It’s about intention, connection, and making your Tarot experience even more magical. It’s way easier than you think. You can also buy a plain bag and decorate if you cant sew a bag.
Sewing! If you’re handy with a needle and thread, the possibilities are endless! Think velvet, satin, linen – whatever speaks to you. You can embroider your favorite symbols, add beads for extra sparkle, or even sew on patches that represent your personal energy.
The coolest part? Adding sigils! Sigils are basically personalized symbols that hold your intention. So, if you want your bag to offer protection, or enhance your intuition, a sigil is the way to go. You can find tons of sigil tutorials online, or even create your own!
But what if you’re, like, allergic to sewing? No problem! There are tons of no-sew options. Felt is your best friend! You can cut out two pieces, glue or tie them together on three sides, and bam! Instant pouch.
You can then decorate it with fabric markers, glitter, even hot glue little gems. The key is to make it your own! Think about colours that resonate with you, symbols that feel powerful, and textures that are pleasing to the touch.
Honestly, crafting your own tarot bag isn’t just about having a pretty pouch. It’s about infusing your deck with your own energy and creating a deeper connection to your intuition. It’s like giving your cards a cozy little home that’s filled with love and intention.

Tarot-Inspired Jewelry and Keyrings!
We’re focusing on the beautiful imagery, the powerful symbols, and putting a personalized spin on things. And you have tons of options.
- Resin or Clay Pendants. These are SO fun. I remember when I first started making them, I was obsessed with The Sun card. It’s all about positivity and good vibes, right? I made a pendant with a sparkly yellow sun and honestly, wearing it just made me feel…brighter! You can use molds, polymer clay, even just resin poured into a bezel. Add glitter, gold leaf, whatever speaks to you! Key tip – Mod Podge works wonders.
- Wire-Wrapped Gemstone Jewelry based on Tarot Suits. Okay, this sounds fancy, but trust me, it’s not. Remember the suits of the tarot? Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles? Each one has a vibe! Cups are all about emotions, so think calming blues. Swords are about intellect, so maybe some clear quartz. I personally think wire-wrapping is easier than it looks.
- And finally: Personalized Tarot Keyrings for Everyday Luck and Insight. Talk about a conversation starter! These are seriously the easiest. Print out a mini version of your favorite tarot card image, stick it to a blank keyring, and BAM! You’ve got a little pocket talisman. I actually made one for my little brother with the Strength card when he was dealing with his exams, a sweet reminder that he had the inner strength for the journey.
Tarot-Inspired Candles!
What’s more positive than a beautifully scented, hand-crafted candle? Exactly! So, let’s combine the two.
Let’s think about a card and what emotion you want to welcome in your life. For example, I’ve always been drawn to The Star card. It’s all about hope, inspiration, and finding your inner peace. So for a Star card candle, I like to use lavender essential oil – it is a calming scent and fits perfectly.
(Close-up shot of lavender essential oil being added to a jar of melted wax.)

- You can also add some dried lavender flowers to the top of the candle for extra good vibes. Seriously, the scent while this candle burns is amazing.
- Another fun thing you can do is decorate your candle jar! You can print out images of your favourite Tarot cards and stick them on, or even write affirmations directly onto the jar. I did this with “The Sun” card when I was feeling down.
- Remember safety first! Melt wax according to the instructions and never leave a burning candle unattended.
The possibilities are endless! You can use different essential oils and herbs to match the energy of different cards. Rosemary for strength (The Tower), Rose for love (The Lovers) . . . Get creative and experiment!
DIY Tarot Boxes
You don’t even have to believe in Tarot to enjoy this. Think of it more like unlocking a magical mood board!
- Grab any plain wooden box – you can find them at craft stores or even upcycle an old jewelry box.
- Now, the fun begins! Think about your favorite Tarot card. Is it The Sun, all bright and cheerful? Maybe The Moon, mysterious and dreamy? Paint that card’s imagery onto the box! Use stencils for easy shapes, decoupage with cool paper, or even just doodle with markers. Don’t worry about being perfect; it’s all about expressing yourself.
Mini Tarot Altars
Mini Tarot Altars! Ready to take it up a notch? These are AMAZING! Think of it as a tiny, personalized sacred space just for your cards, or for displaying your favorite card of the day. No matter what, you’ll be sure to create a tranquil space for yourself.
The best part of these is they can be made from things you find everywhere, and placed on a tray or a shelf for instance.
- Collect cool stones, leaves, feathers, or seashells.
- Tiny candles or even fairy lights add a magical touch.
- Arrange them on a small tray or even a windowsill. You can add a small figurine of a symbol you like or are drawn to.
- The Magician, the High Priestess, the Hanged Man – be as creative as you want.

Painting Tarot Imagery
Don’t limit yourself to boxes and altars! You can paint Tarot imagery onto anything!
- Phone cases
- Notebooks
- Tote bags
- Canvas
Decoupage is your best friend! Print out images from your favorite deck (making sure you respect copyright, of course!) and glue them onto anything from furniture to plain canvas.
Seriously, the possibilities are endless. It’s like giving everyday objects a little bit of Tarot magic.
Tarot Dream Catchers and Wall Hangings
Dream catchers! These aren’t just pretty decorations. Traditionally, they’re meant to catch bad dreams and let the good ones slip through. Now, imagine adding some Tarot magic to that! Think about incorporating symbols from your favorite card, ie: The Strength” card – you know, the one with the woman and the lion? I wove in red and gold yarn (colors associated with the card).
Wall hangings! These offer even MORE room for creativity. Macrame is a great way to do this. You can use different knots and patterns to create textures and shapes that remind you of specific Tarot cards.
And don’t forget the beads! Think about color theory. Red for passion, blue for intuition, green for growth. Also how about numerology? If your favorite number is 7 – incorporate 7 beads into your design! Even the number of knots can have meaning!
Tarot Stones DIY!
So, for these Tarot Stones, you need just a few things:
- Smooth stones (you can find them at craft stores or even outside!)
- Acrylic paint pens (these are way easier to use than brushes, trust me!)
- Maybe a sealant if you want them to be extra durable
- The most important thing: a little imagination!
Don’t feel like you need to copy the exact images from a full Tarot deck. We’re going for minimalist here! Think simple symbols that represent the energy of the card. For example, for the “The Sun” card, I just painted a little sun. For “The Moon” card, I went with a crescent moon. Get creative with it! There are tons of minimalist tarot symbol guides online. Don’t be afraid to search them up.
The best part about these stones is how easy they are to use! Just, like, close your eyes, shuffle them around in your hand, and pick one stone at random.
You could use these as your very own set of hand-painted Tarot Stones. They’re perfect for on-the-go readings, a little dose of inspiration, or just a cool conversation starter.

Personalized Tarot Journals and Spell Books
You can totally buy a plain notebook, but where’s the fun in that? Handbinding a journal is surprisingly easy and seriously satisfying. There are tons of awesome tutorials on Youtube. You could even make your own paper to go inside it. How special would that be!
Let’s talk about the outside of your journal and spellbook. This is where you can really get creative! Use fabric scraps to create a textured cover, paint on your favorite tarot symbols, or even print out beautiful tarot artwork and decoupage it onto the cover. When it comes to imagery, think about the cards that really resonate with you. Decorate any way you like.
- Use paint
- Fabric scraps
- Printed images
Whatever inspires you! Don’t be afraid to get messy. I love using old band tshirts to cover my journals, I get so many compliments!
Now, inside your beautiful journal, let’s get practical! Design your own tarot spreads. Instead of just using the classic ones, create spreads tailored to specific questions or areas of your life. And don’t forget journaling prompts! Write down questions related to each card, like “What fears is this card highlighting?” or “How can I embody the qualities of this card in my daily life?”
Charging Your DIY with Intention
We’re gonna talk about how to bless and energize your handmade stuff, plus some easy rituals to bring in protection and luck. Oh, and a sneaky peek at how moon phases and elements can give your crafts an extra boost of awesome.
How do you actually charge something? It’s easier than you think! Basically, it’s all about setting an intention. Like, what do you want this thing to do? Let’s say you’re making a little painted box for your best friend. Instead of just slapping on some colours, think about what you want the box to represent. Maybe it’s happiness, joy, or just a reminder of your amazing friendship. As you’re painting, focus on those feelings. Picture your friend using the box and feeling that joy. Bam! You’re charging it with intention.
You can also get a little bit ritualistic. Think about adding specific colours, symbols, or even herbs that correspond to your intention. Green for prosperity, lavender for calm, whatever speaks to you. I made a protection charm for my little brother before his driving test. I used black obsidian beads and focused all my positive vibes on him having a safe and confident drive. And guess what? He aced it! (Maybe it was the charm, maybe it was practice… but I’m going with the charm!).
Moon Phases
Moon phases and elements can seriously amplify your intentions.
- The New Moon is perfect for starting new projects and setting intentions for the future.
- A Full Moon is all about manifesting those intentions. So, if you’re making something for abundance, craft it during a Full Moon!
As for the elements, add a candle (fire) for passion, use water to cleanse your materials, incorporate crystals from the earth! It’s all about connecting with the energy around you.
If you’re aiming for protection or luck, you can use specific symbols in your DIYs. An evil eye for warding off negativity, a pentacle for protection, or even just a lucky charm you love! Add them to your creations and focus on their meaning as you craft.
Incorporating Crafted Items into Readings
First off, during a reading, instead of just focusing on the cards themselves, try incorporating your crafts!
- Maybe you have a special box you keep your deck in. Decorate it with symbols related to your intentions for readings. As you pull cards, touch the box. It’s like charging your reading with your own energy! Or, if you’ve painted your own cards, shuffling and using them can feel so much more personal and connected. You literally poured yourself into them!
- Morning and evening rituals. Make little pouch and embroider a moon design. Every evening, before bed, pull a single Tarot card and tuck it into the pouch. Sleep with it under your pillow, thinking about the card’s message. It’s a great way to reflect and get some subconscious guidance!
- Gifting! Handmade Tarot items make the BEST gifts. Think about it… you’re not just giving someone an object, you’re giving them a piece of yourself, your creativity, and your positive energy.

Trust me,
Crafting with purpose is seriously rewarding. Not only do you end up with something cool, but you also get to connect with your own creativity and inner wisdom. Its like creating your own magic, and its an awesome feeling. So next time your feeling crafty, or tarot inspired, how about decorating a plain box and using it to store your crystals, jewelry, or even just little trinkets? Choose a card whose energy resonates with you. The Sun for joy? The Star for hope? Paint it on! Glue it on!
Or maybe you’re into fashion? Iron-on transfer paper is your best friend! Find a cool image representing your favorite card and BAM! Custom tee. Journals are another great one as I shared earlier- you could doodle on them or even paint.
The cool thing is, there are no rules! It’s all about experimenting and having fun. Don’t worry about being “perfect.” The real magic comes from the intention you put into it. When you’re crafting, think about what that card represents to you. What qualities do you want to embody? Focus on that energy as you create.
Go grab some supplies, pick a card that speaks to you, and get crafting! Share your creations with me in the comments – I can’t wait to see what you come up with! This is such an awesome and easy way to mix your spirituality with creativity. Bye for now!
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