Both Tarot and Numerology are super ancient systems that people have used for ages to understand themselves and the world around them. They are mystical toolkits for self-discovery.
Numerology is all about the power of numbers. Each number has a special vibe and meaning. Tarot, on the other hand, uses symbols and imagery on cards to tell stories and give guidance.

The awesome part? They work together! Numbers show up in the Tarot all the time, and those numbers add another layer of meaning to the card. For example, a card showing the number ‘3’ might relate to creativity or communication, numerology can give you that extra insight!
By using the numbers in tarot, it helps to enhance the readings and give you a clearer picture of how to navigate your life.
Tarot & Numerology
What IS Numerology?
In simple terms, it’s all about the power of numbers. Each number, from 1 to 9 (and even some master numbers like 11, 22, and 33), has its own unique vibe, a specific energy or frequency.

Numerologists believe these numbers can tell us a lot about ourselves and our lives. We’re talking about insights into your personality, your potential, and even your destiny!
The most well-known is probably your Life Path Number. It’s like your personal roadmap! You calculate it using your birthdate. But there are other important ones too, like your Destiny Number, which reveals your potential achievements in life. Your Soul Urge Number uncovers your true desires, and your Personality Number shows how you come across to others.
(Example : April 04, 1996 = 4+4+1+9+9+6 = 33 = 3+3 = 6) Now you may think, but it’s just a number! Trust me, it’s not. This number can unlock a deeper level of self-awareness.
So where does Tarot fit in? Well, think of Numerology as the framework and Tarot as the story.

Many cards in the Tarot deck are directly linked to numbers. The Major Arcana cards are numbered, and each number carries a specific numerological meaning, which then influences the interpretation of the card. So, when you see The Magician (card number 1), you automatically think about new beginnings, skills, and drive, which amplifies its message.
Let’s say you’re doing a Tarot reading and you pull a card that resonates with the number 4. Knowing that 4 represents stability, structure, and hard work can really add depth to your understanding of the card and its message for you.
By combining your knowledge of both Tarot and Numerology, you’re basically unlocking a super-powered decoder ring for life! You can gain a deeper understanding of the cards, the messages they’re trying to convey, and how they relate to your own personal numerological profile.
Decoding the Secrets of Numbers

Think about the Minor Arcana. You’ve got the Ace, Two, Three, all the way to Ten in each suit (Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles). Each number has a specific meaning in Numerology, and that meaning influences the card’s interpretation.
As an example, the number Three is all about creativity, expression, and community. So, when you see the Three of Cups, you’re already clued in to themes of friendship, celebration, and sharing good times! The number kinda gives you a head start!
And it’s not just the Minor Arcana! Look at the Major Arcana. Even though they aren’t numbered in a straightforward way, each card’s placement and traditional meaning carries a numerological weight. The Hermit, card number 9, embodies the energy of introspection, wisdom, and solitude – all concepts linked to the number 9 in Numerology.
So, how can you use this secret connection? Simple! When you’re doing a Tarot reading, pay attention to the numbers on the cards. Think about what those numbers mean in Numerology. It’ll add layers of depth to your reading and give you a richer understanding.
Let’s say you pull the Five of Pentacles, and you’re feeling lost. Think about the number Five – it often represents change, instability, and challenges. That can give you an insight into how to overcome that struggle.

The Major Arcana
This is where the connection between Tarot and Numerology really shines. The Major Arcana is that set of 22 cards, numbered from 0 to 21, that explore the biggest life lessons and archetypes. That numerical sequence? It’s not random. It’s a journey, a story told through numbers.
Think of each number as a step on a path. Zero is the beginning, and 21 is the end, or rather, a new beginning. And each number between has its own unique flavour and energy, which is reflected in the card associated with it.
The Key Major Arcana Cards with Numerology
Let’s break down some of the most important Major Arcana cards and see how Numerology helps us understand them better.

The Fool (0)
Zero is a fascinating number. It represents infinite potential, the void, pure possibility. It’s the circle, the beginning and the end all in one. The Fool embodies this perfectly. He’s stepping off the cliff, totally carefree, because he knows that anything is possible. He has no baggage, no expectations, just pure faith in the universe. Zero here reminds us that every journey starts with a leap of faith into the unknown.

The Magician (1)
One is all about leadership, new beginnings, and taking action. It’s about being assertive and focused. The Magician is the master of his domain, he knows what he wants and he has the skills to make it happen. Number one here is the initiator, the one who steps forward and creates. Seeing the Magician can mean now is the time to be confident and use your skills to make the change you want.

The High Priestess (2)
Two is all about duality, balance, and intuition. It’s yin and yang, light and dark, masculine and feminine. The High Priestess is deeply connected to her intuition and subconscious. She embodies inner wisdom, she is intuitive and gentle. The two reminds us of the importance of connecting with our inner voice and trusting our gut feelings.

The Emperor (4)
Four represents stability, structure, and order. Like the four legs of a table – they provide a solid foundation. The Emperor is all about control and creating a secure environment. He’s the builder, the organiser, the one who brings order to chaos. Seeing the Emperor can mean that now is the time to build a plan to secure your future.

The Wheel of Fortune (10)
Ten is interesting because it’s a combination of one (leadership, new beginnings) and zero (infinite potential). In Numerology, we often reduce numbers to a single digit by adding them together. So, 1 + 0 = 1. The Wheel of Fortune, therefore, is about cycles, karma, and the ever-turning nature of fate. It suggests that while things are constantly changing, there’s an underlying pattern and a new beginning always awaits. This can be a great card to see because it reminds us that nothing lasts forever, good or bad, so we need to trust the path we are on.

The World (21)
This is the final card of the Major Arcana, representing completion, mastery, and integration. Let’s break that number down: 2 + 1 = 3. Three is all about creativity, expression, and joy. So, The World isn’t just about finishing something; it’s about celebrating your achievements and sharing your gifts with the world.
The Power of Repeating Numbers
Now, let’s talk about repeating numbers in the Major Arcana, like 11 and 22. These are considered Master Numbers in Numerology, and they carry extra spiritual significance.

Eleven is about intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. When you see a card associated with eleven, like the Strength (11), it suggests you need to tap into your inner wisdom and trust your instincts.
Eleven (11) cards: Justice. This card tells us to be accountable for our actions, as there will be a fair, karmic consequence if we are not. The number 11 also represents balance; it is about using critical thinking, as well as being intuitive, so we can make the right choices. The number is asking us not to act impulsively, instead take your time to think rationally.
Twenty-two is all about building something significant, leaving a lasting legacy, and manifesting your dreams on a grand scale. The World (22) is a testament to the power of turning your visions into something real.
Minor Arcana Cards with Numerology
The Minor Arcana, remember, is all about the day-to-day stuff – your emotions, your actions, your relationships. It’s divided into four suits: Wands (representing energy, action, and passion), Cups (representing emotions, feelings, and relationships), Swords (representing intellect, thoughts, and challenges), and Pentacles (representing the material world, resources, and stability). Each suit has numbered cards from Ace to Ten. And that’s where numerology comes in big time!

Each number, 1 through 10, carries a specific meaning in Numerology, and that meaning colors the interpretation of the Tarot card. It’s like a secret code layered into the image! So, let’s break down what each number represents in the Minor Arcana.
Aces (1s): New Beginnings, Opportunities
Aces are all about fresh starts. They represent the raw potential of each suit. The Ace of Wands is a spark of inspiration, the Ace of Cups is a surge of new feelings, the Ace of Swords is a new idea taking shape, and the Ace of Pentacles is a new opportunity for financial growth. The number 1 represents independence, initiation, and singular focus. When you see an Ace in a reading, it’s like the universe is saying, “Hey! Here’s a clean slate! What are you going to do with it?” Don’t be afraid to jump in and embrace new adventures.
Twos: Balance, Partnership, Choices
Twos are about duality and relationships. They represent choices needing made. You’re balancing different energies, considering different perspectives. Two of Wands might be about choosing which path to take, while the Two of Cups is about finding harmony in a relationship. The Two of Swords is often about being stuck making a hard decision and the Two of Pentacles is about juggling your responsibilities. Number 2 is about harmony, cooperation, and seeing both sides of a situation. When you see a Two, think about finding balance and working with others.

Threes: Growth, Expansion, Creativity
Threes are all about moving forward and building on what you’ve already started. It’s about bringing your ideas and relationships to fruition. The Three of Wands suggests expanding your horizons and potentially traveling. The Three of Cups is about celebrating friendships and enjoying good times. And the Three of Swords means you went through a painful experience but it brought on clarity and growth. The Three of Pentacles is about collaboration and teamwork to achieve a goal. Also the number 3 represents creativity, self-expression, and a positive outlook. So, if you see a Three, get ready to grow and share your gifts!
Fours: Stability, Foundations, Structure
Fours: Stability, Foundations, Structure. Fours are about creating stability and building solid foundations. It’s a time for getting organized and establishing routines. The Four of Wands is about celebrating achievements and enjoying a period of peace. Four of Cups suggests being withdrawn and emotionally unfulfilled. The Four of Swords calls for rest and recuperation. The Four of Pentacles is about security and holding onto what you have. Number 4 represents structure, discipline, and hard work. When you see a Four, it’s a sign to focus on building a secure and stable base for your future.
Fives: Conflict, Change, Challenges
Fives often indicate conflict, challenges, or disruptions to the status quo. It’s a time for learning and adapting. The Five of Wands might represent disagreements and competition. The Five of Cups signals grief and loss, but also the potential for healing. Five of Swords is about conflict and defeat. The Five of Pentacles indicates financial hardship or feelings of insecurity. Number 5 is about change, adventure, and overcoming obstacles. When you see a Five, remember that challenges can lead to growth and resilience.

Sixes: Harmony, Healing, Cooperation
Sixes bring a sense of harmony, balance, and healing after periods of conflict. It’s a time for finding solutions and working together. Excitingly the Six of Wands also represents victory and recognition. The Six of Cups brings nostalgia and warm memories, and gifts. The Six of Swords signals moving on from difficult times. And the Six of Pentacles symbolizes generosity and sharing resources. The number 6 represents balance, harmony, and compassion. When you see a Six, it’s a sign to embrace cooperation and find solutions that benefit everyone.
Sevens: Reflection, Spirituality, Introspection
Sevens are about taking stock, evaluating your progress, and connecting with your inner self. It’s a time for introspection and spiritual growth. The Seven of Wands represents standing your ground and defending your beliefs. The Seven of Cups suggests a need for discernment and clarity. Unfortunately the Seven of Swords means deception and betrayal. The Seven of Pentacles signals patience and long-term investments. The number 7 represents spirituality, intuition, and inner wisdom. When you see a Seven, it’s a sign to look within and trust your instincts.

Eights: Power, Movement, Action
Eights are about taking action, harnessing your power, and making progress towards your goals. It’s a time for momentum and getting things done. Eight of Wands represents swift action and rapid progress. The Eight of Cups signals walking away from a situation that no longer serves you. The Eight of Swords means feeling trapped but having the power to break free. Eight of Pentacles is about dedication and hard work leading to mastery. The number 8 represents power, ambition, and achievement. When you see an Eight, it’s a sign to take charge and move forward with confidence.
Nines: Completion, Fulfillment, Near the Finish Line
Nines signify nearing completion of a cycle or project. They represent fulfillment, satisfaction, and integration. Nine of Wands represents resilience and perseverance, fighting to the end. The Nine of Cups signals wishes fulfilled and emotional contentment. Nine of Swords means anxiety but it often worse then in reality. And the Nine of Pentacles signifies independence and abundance. The number 9 represents completion, wisdom, and humanitarianism. When you see a Nine, it’s a sign that you’re close to achieving your goals and enjoying the rewards of your efforts.
Tens: Endings, Transformation, New Cycles

Tens represent the end of a cycle, a culmination of events, and the beginning of something new. It’s a time for transformation and letting go. Ten of Wands means overwhelmed by responsibilities. The Ten of Cups signals ultimate happiness and family harmony. The Ten of Swords means hitting rock bottom and facing the truth. And the Ten of Pentacles represents legacy and financial security. The number 10 represents completion, new beginnings, and transformation. When you see a Ten, it’s a sign that you’re entering a new phase in your life.
Why Combine Tarot and Numerology?
When you combine Tarot & Numerology, you get a richer, more nuanced reading. Numerology can help clarify the “why” behind a Tarot card, or add specific timing information to your spread. It’s like adding seasonings to a dish – it just enhances the flavour!
Calculating the Life Path Number
Let’s get practical. The first step is calculating the querent’s Life Path Number. This is basically the most important number in their numerological chart, representing their overall purpose and journey in this life. It’s super easy to calculate!
You just add up all the digits of their birth date (month, day, and year) individually. Then, you reduce that sum to a single digit (or a master number like 11, 22, or 33 – those stay as double digits!).

Let me show you. Say someone was born on December 25, 1998. That’s 12/25/1998. We add all the digits: 1 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 37. Then we reduce 37, which is 3 + 7 = 10. And finally, reduce 10, so 1 + 0 = 1.
So, their Life Path Number is 1.
How does this relate to the Tarot? Well, the Life Path Number gives you a general theme or energy that’s always at play in their life. When you draw cards, look for cards that resonate with that number’s energy. For instance:
- Life Path 1: Look for The Magician (represents new beginnings, action, and will).
- Life Path 2: Look for The High Priestess (represents intuition, partnerships, and balance).
- Life Path 3: Look for The Empress (creativity, abundance, and self-expression) (and so on…)
Finding Personal Numbers in a Tarot Spread
Once you’ve laid out your Tarot spread, pay attention to the numbers on the cards that appear. Remember the Minor Arcana are numbered Ace (1) to 10.
Look for Repeating Numbers
Don’t just glance at them; really consider what those numbers mean in the context of the question and the card’s imagery. Does a lot of cards showing the number four appear? The number four is often about stability, structure and feeling grounded. A lot of number 7’s? Often about inner reflection, assessments and making decisions.
For example, let’s say you asked about a job opportunity, and you pull the Three of Pentacles. The Three of Pentacles often represents collaboration, teamwork, and building something solid. The number three reinforces the idea of coming together, planning, and getting a project off the ground.
Repetition is key. If you see the same number popping up multiple times in a spread, pay extra attention! This is the universe screaming at you to focus on that specific energy.
Using Numerological Cycles for Timing
Tarot is great for showing what might happen, but Numerology can give you clues about when. You can use Personal Year cycles to get a sense of when certain events or opportunities might arise. This is a bit more advanced, but super useful!

To calculate your Personal Year Number, you add the day and month of your birth to the current year, and then reduce it to a single digit. For example, if your birthday is June 15th (6/15) and the current year is 2024, you’d calculate: 6 + 15 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 29 -> 2 + 9 = 11 -> 1 + 1 = 2. Your Personal Year Number is 2.
The theme of 2024 for them would be partnership, balance, etc.
Numerology Path Spread
Let’s start with the Numerology Path Spread. This one’s all about your Life Path Number. Remember, you calculate that from your birthday (add all the digits together until you get a single digit, or 11, or 22). This spread has 3 cards and one life path number.

Each card represents a different stage in your journey, heavily influenced by your life path number. The first card signifies your path, the second the challenges you need to overcome in the present, and the third the destiny that awaits you. The Life Path Number will help you better understand the cards.
Repeating Numbers Spread
Now, let’s talk about recurring numbers from the date you pull the cards – like seeing 111, 222, or 333 everywhere during a reading. This is where the Repeating Numbers Spread comes in.
Pull three cards. Focus on the date you are pulling the cards on. If you see recurring numbers in the date, those repeating numbers should influence your interpretation of the cards. For example, the number 1 often means new beginings, so if you pull the cards on a date with repeating 1’s, you should interpret the cards to mean just that.
Introduce Combining Numerology with Tarot timing
Finally, let’s discuss one of the most important parts of numerology, timing. Combining numerology and timing is as simple as using numerological cycles to predict events.
These cycles are your personal year, month, and day. You can use these cycles to predict events in your life using numerology. From there, you can pull tarot cards to give those events further meaning!
Your Life Path Number + Tarot = Manifestation Power!
A simple way to use this is to calculate your Life Path Number. It’s super easy! Just add up all the digits in your birthdate. For example, if you were born on October 27, 2006 (10/27/2006), you’d add 1+0+2+7+2+0+0+6 = 18. Then, add those digits together: 1 + 8 = 9. So, your Life Path Number is 9!
Once you have your Life Path Number, look at the corresponding Tarot card. In our example, Life Path 9 would correspond with The Hermit, a major arcana card that focuses on solitude, soul-searching and wisdom. The information will help you better understand yourself and your goals.

Use that Tarot card as your guide! Meditate on it, journal about it, and ask yourself questions like: “How can I embrace the energy of The Hermit (or whatever your card is) in my life right now?”.
Also, keep an eye out for synchronicities! Start noticing when your Life Path Number shows up in your daily life – a house number, a time on the clock, or even a number in a song lyric. When you see these numbers repeatedly, it’s the universe winking at you, confirming you’re on the right path.
Examples of numbers appearing in everyday situations
I highly recommend keeping a journal. Write down your Tarot readings, your numerology calculations, and any synchronicities you notice. This will help you track patterns and deepen your understanding of yourself and the universe.
Tarot and Numerology are amazing tools to connect with your intuition, gain clarity, and manifest your dreams. Remember, it’s all about exploring and experimenting. Do not be afraid to try new things. Have fun with it, and see what amazing insights you uncover!
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