Category: Astrology & Numbers
Tarot and Numerology, How They Work Together in Harmony
Tarot and Numerology are super ancient systems that people have used for ages to understand themselves and the world around them. They are mystical toolkits for self-discovery.
Best Crystals for Fire Signs of Zodiac
Ever felt like you’re just burning with energy, ready to take on the world? Chances are, you might be a fire sign! I’m talking about Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius – the zodiac’s powerhouses. Let’s see what Crystals for fire signs! These guys are known for being passionate, bold, and super action-oriented. They’re driven by their gut,…
Best Crystals for Earth Signs of Zodiac
Crystals can be amazing tools to enhance the awesome strengths of earth signs and help balance their tendencies. For example, a Taurus might use rose quartz to open their heart, a Virgo might use amethyst to calm their overthinking mind, and a Capricorn could use garnet to ignite their passion.
Best Crystals for Water Signs of Zodiac
Hey everyone! Ever feel like your emotions are a deep, flowing ocean? Well, if you’re a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you might be a water sign! And let me tell you, being a water sign is all about feeling things deeply. We’re talking about incredible intuition, powerful empathy, and a natural connection to the unseen. Cancers…
Best Crystals for Air Signs of Zodiac
Whether you’re a curious Gemini, a harmony-loving Libra, or a visionary Aquarius, one thing’s for sure: air signs are all about ideas, communication, and connection. You’re the thinkers, talkers, and dreamers of the zodiac—always seeking understanding and spreading your genius ideas like wildfire. But being an air sign isn’t just about living in your head. Sure, your thoughts…
Famous Celebs who use tarot
Tarot isn’t just for dusty old fortune tellers in movies. Loads of modern famous celebs who use tarot for guidance, inspiration, and just plain old fun.